Case Report

Ileosigmoidal intussusception due to caecal Burkitt Lymphoma: A Case Report

  • Cemil Çalışkan
  • Levent Yeniay
  • Erhan Akgün

Turk J Colorectal Dis 2009;19(1):36-38

Intestinal intussusceptions is a common problem in the children but in adults, it’s unusual. It’s responsible from 1-2% of the intestinal obstruction in adults. Almost all of the obstruction is due to organic lesions in adult ages. We present a rare adult case in this article to whom occurred ileosigmoideal intussusceptions due to caecal mass. Also, Burkitt lymphomas placed in caecum is another unusual condition. Furthermore, rare tumor type placed unusual and it’s treatment details of obstructed disease is discussed and reviewed.

Keywords: Caecum, Obstruction, Burkitt Lymphoma, intussusceptions